3DTouch Scale

Use your iPhone 6s / iPhone 6s Plus as a digital weight scale: the weight of objects can be measured using the 3D Touch sensors.

Capacitive objects (like e.g. fruits!) can be measured directly on the center

- Put / balance the object onto the center and hold it steadily with your hand, without adding extra pressure

➝ The weight is indicated (you must keep holding the object while doing so)

With a trick you can measure non capacitive objects:

- Place a finger on each grey tab and hold them steady so that 0 weight gets indicated
- Balance the object exactly on the indicated center for best results

➝ You’ll get a good idea how much the object weighs.

You can get good results, but it all depends on how you execute the measurement and we can not guarantee any precision! You can calibrate the sensors in the settings.

Note that the default calibration assumes a “Medium” setting for 3D Touch in Accessibility. If you change it to “Light” or “Firm” please adjust the calibration factor accordingly.

At any case this app is for recreational or fun use only. E.g. you could use it as a game where everybody has to guess most exactly a weight. :-)